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Colors and Styles

Unmatched colors. Our craftsmen replicate the elegance and character of genuine slate and wood shakes in exacting detail. Natural textures and rich organic earth tones are fired into every Ironstone tile resulting in a roof that will last for decades and never fade. So pick a color you can live with. 

English Grey

Architecturally agnostic, English Grey is a traditional slate color that adapts well to contemporary design. Distinctive shade variation with cool-grey undertones make it a favorite of designers.

Antique Slate

Modeled after an imported Asian slate popular on homes styles from Mediterranean to Mountain. 


Antique Slate offers a wide blend of warm earth tones which make any home a classic.

Designers specify a 10-20% “accent blend” of Antique Slate with our grey and greens for an instant old-age effect on historical and classic heritage homes.

Dark Grey

Dark Grey is our darkest color. 

50 subtle variations of tone create an understated elegance. 

Sage Green

Sage Green is modeled after rare, expensive Unfading Green slate quarried in Vermont. 

French Blend

An architect wanted to replicate the historic slate in New Orleans. We acquired reclaimed European slates to accomplish the project, 

It is now a standard color. 

Vintage Wood

Grayish highlights and dark, rich tones honor the graceful beauty of natural aged wood. 

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Matte White

Exactly as the name implies. Matte White is a flat white color with subtle variation. 

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Desert Sands

Modeled after Palmyra, an ancient city in the center of modern Syria. With subtle variations of tan and sand colors.


A classic "baked Earth" color variation. 

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Flat, no variation grey tile. Charcoal is not quite as dark as Ironstone Dark Grey, but is more of a battleship grey. 

Create Custom Blends

Any color can be mixed with another color to make a custom blend. Below are a few examples. 

4x4 Field Cropped.Sans Hanger.Mix French Dark Grey.jpg

Dark Grey + Antique Slate


Sage Green + French Blend


4x4 Field Cropped.Sans Hanger.Mix French + _.jpg
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